§ 59-14-604. Prohibition against stamping, sale, or import of cigarettes not in the directory -- Requirement to certify compliance.  

Latest version.
  • (1) It is unlawful for any person:
    (a) to affix a stamp to a package or other container of cigarettes of a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in the directory required by Section 59-14-603; or
    (b) to sell, offer, or possess for sale, in this state, or import for personal consumption in this state, cigarettes of a tobacco product manufacturer or brand family not included in the directory required by Section 59-14-603.
    (a) It is unlawful for any person to sell or distribute cigarettes, or acquire, hold, own, possess, transport, import, or cause to be imported cigarettes, that the person knows or should know are intended for distribution or sale in the state in violation of Section 59-14-603.
    (b) A violation of this Subsection (2) is a class B misdemeanor.
Enacted by Chapter 204, 2005 General Session